Have you ever postponed something because of fear?
Fear is a big trap when it comes to changes. As soon as you come closer to a big step in personal life, a leap in career or business, a creeping sensation arises: now is not the time, what about the financials, what would my family say and all that.
The next second you already bargain with your brain: maybe we can do it next year, let’s think about that after the holidays, I’ll do that when my kids are bigger.
Do you recognize yourself here?
If yes, well, welcome to Postponers Club. We are all members there, and fear is our supervisor.
It’s very normal to be deceived into fear rationale. What a lot of people don’t know about is that we all have inner resources that can tackle all that fear talk about “what if that happens” or “maybe later”.
So can you manage fear? Yes, you can!
You have your self-authority to make decisions and know what are the right choices for you.
You also have self-compassion to understand your path with intuition and follow your own guidance on when is the right time, what is the right choice and what is the first step in the process.
As a coach, I help my clients develop there inner resources and also teach them techniques to work with fear.
If you’re ready to be coached, drop me a message.